Friday, July 1, 2011

And then I wanted to give KL a hug.

Lets get serious here, we all sat during the commencement because of the people we cared about, we want to see them walk the stage, we want to cheer them on, but there are lots of people we didn't know( I wish I could get to know all of you... well the most of you) so what can we do to keep ourselves entertained for the rest of the time. While most people would play angry bird, crack jokes or just doze off, I was entertaining myself by keeping the over achiever IB honor grade student to my right and the dude who couldn't wait to go out to blaze on my left occupied by my predictions. It helps knowing a few people, like the time like when I said Navneet Dhillion comes after Navdeep Dhillion, or Patricia Snow comes after ...... Snow, I knew those people. the girl on my right was never impressed and the dude on my left was... a bit too impressed. perhaps my biggest gamble that day was when I said that our president will cry. It almost broke my straight streak of perfect prediction, but on the last line, she cried. I can't remember much from her speech, except for the part of telling your crush of 3 yrs that u like her. But I did take note of what made her cry. The speech was flawless, a lovely smile on her face through the whole thing and then she said "some of us may never see each other again" I knew that was the moment, she cried and so did I(well almost), I imagined never being able to see all of my friends again, friends who became close, friends who became family, friends who we never want to let go off. That's where this game wasn't fun anymore. There are somethings I never want to be right about.

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