Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ahahahahah! I love the guild's music videos, sooo funny, (remember to pause the music below first before playing)

Here is a tip "bro"

I am not the type of guy who picks up random chicks, I don't smack asses in bars even if she wants me to, I don't do one night stands and I most definitely will not help you get that hot chick across the bar drunk so that you can get laid. So don't call me bro, I am a complete stranger, never met you before, so don't try to make a cosmic connection with me just because we are of the same ethnicity, I am not going to do you any favors for it. Me and you are nothing alike and I am most certainly not your "bro".

Friday, July 8, 2011

Have you ever wished for the same thing over and over again only to have it not come true.

What hides in the rain

I hear it rain, I hear it chime,
the clouds roar, the clouds cry.
standing on this ledge, how shy am I
none can hear me, then why don't I cry
Cry why, why should I
Chivalry is the code I stand by.

Love you in my heart I have,
and to say we are but friends.
So when I imagine you with another man,
why does my heart take offence,
why are we but friends.

The future is uncertain, I must make mends,
So that I can take you away against all trends
Shame its a fantasy, its not what nature intends
you and I; I wish that true, I feel condemned.
I must rise a man well suited for a maiden.
So I will see you till then,
till  the time has come for me to see you again.

But for now I'll let it rain,
let the clouds roar and cry again,
let the thunder hide my pain,
and let the heavenly tears can hide mine in them.

-Rishi Banerjee

How long does it take to forget someone?

For some it's in an instant and for others it may be a life time.
If they are around you or there are things that remind you of them, then you will remember them for a long time sometimes never forgetting them at all. However if their influence is removed slowly but surely you will forget them, and they will forget you.
Have you ever hoped that someone forgets you?
Life is like a book and when we meet someone they become a chapter, a character in our book and we in theirs. If you ever want to have someone forget you then just disappear, leave their book, in time there will be others who will overshadow your life's chapter in their book.
How can you make someone remember you?
There is no real way to have someone remember you, with age they will forget, however you can make them somewhat remember you by either causing them great joy or by harming them greatly, I guess in the end all it comes down to is how you want them to remember you as?

For the past week I have experienced the life of an adult and I don't mean the good life. I haven't spoken to my friends, I am always tiered, life is really boring, video games are unsatisfactory, can't romanticize about falling in love and find simply standing by and observing, very interesting. Is this what an adult's life is like?

Friday, July 1, 2011

And then I wanted to give KL a hug.

Lets get serious here, we all sat during the commencement because of the people we cared about, we want to see them walk the stage, we want to cheer them on, but there are lots of people we didn't know( I wish I could get to know all of you... well the most of you) so what can we do to keep ourselves entertained for the rest of the time. While most people would play angry bird, crack jokes or just doze off, I was entertaining myself by keeping the over achiever IB honor grade student to my right and the dude who couldn't wait to go out to blaze on my left occupied by my predictions. It helps knowing a few people, like the time like when I said Navneet Dhillion comes after Navdeep Dhillion, or Patricia Snow comes after ...... Snow, I knew those people. the girl on my right was never impressed and the dude on my left was... a bit too impressed. perhaps my biggest gamble that day was when I said that our president will cry. It almost broke my straight streak of perfect prediction, but on the last line, she cried. I can't remember much from her speech, except for the part of telling your crush of 3 yrs that u like her. But I did take note of what made her cry. The speech was flawless, a lovely smile on her face through the whole thing and then she said "some of us may never see each other again" I knew that was the moment, she cried and so did I(well almost), I imagined never being able to see all of my friends again, friends who became close, friends who became family, friends who we never want to let go off. That's where this game wasn't fun anymore. There are somethings I never want to be right about.