Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I need to dress up as Shanks from one piece, here is what he looks like

I have the white shirt, shorts, and slippers, I am missing the cape the red hair(I tried to get it but failed), scar and most importantly.... the abs.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My friend to me: your obsessed.

Talk with Dadu (grandpa)

me: give me your blessings
Dadu: you have my blessing, live long and prosper. Lets the energy in you radiate and influence everyone around you
My grandfather is 80yrs old (76yrs officially) and when he was telling me this, I could feel his health slipping away. My grandfather, Wing Commander for the Indian Air Force who also happened to have trained the First Indian who went to space, is lying in his bed, his body aching from doing the most ordinary of things, who and I hate saying it, is nearing the end of a long journey we call life.
I remember talking to him once and I asked him if there was something that he regretted something he did in life, to that he simply said no, and so sceptically I asked why, I did not believe that life can pass without any regrets. He replied, "the decisions that you make in life decide where you are going to end up at, I think I ended up just fine"
Mom want to see him again, before she fears its too late. I do too, but a part of  me doesn't, a part of me want to preserve the memory of that man who would carry me on his shoulder, have me punch and jump on his back, a man filled with energy, a great man. He is the only role model I have ever had and I want him to be around till I have kids but after talking to him today I am afraid that my mother might be right.
The saddest part is, his last wish is that I incinerate his body, I don't know if I can.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Convo with Mom

Mom: ohhh!! your growing up
me: i guess so
Mom: what are going to do when you grow up?
me: I don't know have some babies.

can't believe I said that out loud.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sometimes I wish That I could sing you a love song just to show you the way I feel for you... But I can't because my voice sounds like a raccoon dying in a garbage disposal

That awkward moment when it�s your birthday, and people are singing happy birthday to you, and you just stand there clueless of what to do.

That awkward moment; When you're in the car, and you look at the people in the car next to you, and they're already looking at you.

I love how, in scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is gonna be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"

If Bin Laden had of spent more time playing COD he would of realized camping can only last for so long...

Guy: Wanna hear a joke about my d*ck? Nevermind, It's too long.
Girl: Wanna hear a joke about my vagina? Nevermind, You'll never get it.

"When the boy hangs out with the girl 24/7, he starts to have a crush on her, but he doesnt tell her because it might ruin their friendship. the worst part is that she'd talk bout the guy tht she likes to him all the time, and the boy is always jealous and wished that the guy was him. when secretly, she is talking about him the whole time and is just waiting to see if he would pick up the hint."

I can vouch for the guy part of the story... don't know about the girl's side of the story but if it were to be true then.... damm

I Wish Music Played During Epic Moments of My Life and Not Just in Movies.

When a girl says "whatever", she really means; I hope you get shot, fall off a bridge, get raped by a shark,and then eaten by it.


"HOW GUYS FLIRT He stares at you a lot, starts random conversations, he "hits" you. He mocks you to make you laugh.He calls you cute or pretty and it makes you smile. He worries about you and your problems along with his own.He is PROTECTIVE. He always stays close when he can. He looks STRAIGHT in your eyes. He listens to you and remembers the things you say. He will sometimes say something to remind you you've said it in the past.He takes pictures of you even though you say you hate it."

I had no idea.. maybe I should take some notes

Sunday, May 1, 2011

To Baba (that's dad in my language)

I have been having your card in my hands for a while and I really can't figure out what to write on it. I seems that I  don't have any memories; good memories of you. You where never there growing up and I know that I have said this a couple of times but I will say it again, every year when I ran those races, I knew I would never win but right at the end of it I would look to the right, in the crowd to look for you and you would never be there, so now even though your 47th birthday has gone by, I can't write a word on your card but its not because I hate you but because now I know. I know now that all those days when I was younger and only saw you 5 days a month and all those sport days that you missed; Were because you were working your bone to the ground trying to give me a better future, all the times you hit me till I bled was so that I learn what is right and wrong. All this time you did all that a good father should do, even though it got you only my hate. But now I know Baba, the sad part is I could probably never tell this to you, so here it is on the World Wide Web and I am hoping that you somehow stumble upon it.
Take care of your health and I really do love you