Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When I was younger my grand parents promised me that they will be there for my wedding, my grandma passed away nine years ago and now I might be losing my grandfather soon and the worst part about it is that he doesn't know about it and I wont be able to see him one last time.

"Particles in fact don't really exist, and so... at some level we don't exist"

This one got me thinking about my existence, about our existence. Our life's accomplishments, our hopes and dreams are nothing more than a spec, a *blip* in our universe.
So what is the value of a being, do we exist, are we significant in this universe who' s realm is so infinitely infinite. I learn't this in calculus the other day, 1/∞= 0. Funny thing about zero is that it exists, it is worth something. So.. we are significant, our lives really do mean something, we really do exist. After all its only when every single particles combine, is when we make the universe. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sometimes eavesdropping can be bad. I feel really bad for the emo guy.

guy1: dude she is getting engaged, how can you be ok with this
guy2: coz she is a friend
guy1: but u still have feelings for her.
guy2: honestly i have mixed feelings, as a friend I feel great for her, I helped her get with the dude. But on the other hand I feel like shit. I just wont to go out and have a drink right now
guy1: dude that shit u drink is like poison.
guy2: it isn't, I tried it out the other night and it doesn't work.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A friend of mine has breast cancer and is going for surgery soon.

Want to know a funny story, I used to have dreams that i was chasing something too, I chased it and got closer and closer, my heart beating faster with anticipation but every time I tried to catch it, i would miss it and wake up with a tear running down my eye.

If people where looking close enough, they would know that u where crying. Otherwise nahh don't worry about it.

Someone else's body

Today I got into a shirt that used to fit me weird. IT FELT GOOD. But for a while now and even now I feel that this body, isn't mine, I am not talking about the sexual aspect but rather about the physical aspect. I call it my fat suit and just like it, it feels fake, like it doesn't belong. It stops me from doing things I used to be able to do, making me subconscious and in-confident . Confidence is something I need and while i am in this suit, it is going to be hard to get any.

My lucky number is thirteen

luck is how you perceive it, take for example you could consider someone's death as an awful thing or you can consider it as them finally being relieved from their misery. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

had a change of heart

i was thinking that.... you know what keeping this blog around is ok i guess... almost done with my emo phase for the rest of the year. lets see if i attempt to delete this blog next year.